Cool Quotes for Father’s Day



For many of us, our fathers are our heroes. We appreciate them for their love and guidance. A good father can set an example of strength, honor, sacrifice, and responsibility. On Father’s Day, all of us at Caulkwarmer think we should take a little time out to honor our dads for their love and the lessons they have taught us.

I don’t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he’s rich. ~ M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter

Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys. ~ Author Unknown

A father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he meant to be. ~ Carol Coats

Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance. ~ Ruth E. Renkel

From great oaks, little acorns grow. ~ Latin Proverb

When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. ~ Mark Twain

By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong. ~ Charles Wadsworth

Anyone who tells you fatherhood is the greatest thing that can happen to you, they are understating it. ~ Mike Myers

One night a father overheard his son pray: Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is. Later that night, the Father prayed, Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be. ~ Anonymous

Being a great father is like shaving. No matter how good you shaved today, you have to do it again tomorrow. ~ Reed Markham

Working in weird Winter weather conditions.

600 Board Foot Kit Twin Pack

Neither rain nor sleet nor snow can keep construction from being completed.  Even though this year’s Winter weather has been challenging, many construction projects have continued to move forward. The old ideas about construction stopping in Winter just aren’t true!  These days with technology and advances in construction materials, work can continue all through the Winter.

One of the major reasons the  increased use of technological advancements to extend the Winter construction season is possible is that high-tech equipment can be purchased for fairly reasonable prices.  Insulated blankets and ground heaters can take the frost out of the ground while warming bags, wraps, and hoses  allow construction materials to flow even when the temperature is well below freezing.

In fact,  in some conditions with proper site heating, concrete can cure out more slowly and become stronger than in the hot summer months where excessive heat can lead to quick cures with cracks and shrinkage.  Also, many  Spring suppliers raise their prices on materials which are often higher than the cost of Winter conditions. So it can actually be cheaper to work through the Winter avoiding material price increases and getting into the new building sooner.

How can you work in Winter conditions?  Proper planning is a big part of it, and proper planning means stocking up on all the warming technologies to work with weird Winter weather conditions.

Just another expert idea from Guy Calor, and CaulkWarmer!

Don’t let Daylight Saving Time set your schedule back

Equalizer Caulk Gun Light
Yeah… Daylight Saving Time is upon us, and while it may make the evenings brighter… the shift shoves us back into more morning darkness for a little while longer.  Great if you are a late sleeper, but not so much if you have work to do in all the dimness.

This is when you can benefit most from the Equalizer Caulking Gun Light

This remarkable tool uses 9 bright LED bulbs to light up your work area for over 48 continuous hours.  It will automatically shut off after 15 minutes and is constructed of strong webbing with a small elastic insert so it will stretch and hold in place with a Velcro® closure strip.

If you still want to stay on your schedule without waiting for the late Sun of Daylight Saving Time to catch up to you… the Equalizer Caulking Gun Light is definitely the way to go.

Just another expert idea from Guy Calor, and CaulkWarmer!

Think Foam!

200 board  foot kit twinpac

Spray Foam, Spray Insulation, Expanding Foam and Foam sealant are common terms for insulation, which is sprayed into place unlike traditional sheets or rolls of insulation, which must be cut and fixed into place.  It is produced from two liquid components that, when combined and sprayed, produce an expanding foam froth. This expanding foam froth then hardens within 3-5 minutes to form a rigid foam with excellent insulating properties.

What are the benefits of spray foam over other types of insulation?  Well… here’s a few to start with!

  •     Foam has a higher R-Value per inch thickness.  In fact, closed cell foam has almost twice the R-Value of fiberglass or cellulose.
  •     Buildings insulated with spray foam are more comfortable and use less energy.
  •     Foam fills and seals gaps and cracks to provide an air seal.  Fiberglass does little more than filter the air as it passes through.
  •     Closed cell foam provides a better moisture seal than all other insulation.
  •     Foam provides better sound deadening than fiberglass.
  •     Foam does not attract or provide a nesting area for pest like other insulation materials.
  •     Spray foam seals small gaps to keep out insects and other small critters.
  •     Spray foam expands to easily fill in around other objects and completely fills oddly shaped spaces.
  •     Closed cell foam increases the structural strength of a wall

When rising cost of energy demands insulation products that exceed traditional methods, and homeowners demand better building products for their homes, spray foam insulation is the economical energy efficient answer.

Just another expert idea from Guy Calor (The Caulk King), and Caulk Warmer!

With a Caulkwarmer you can conquer the Polar Vortex!

Caulk Warmer Conquers the Polar Vortex!

Caulk Warmer Conquers the Polar Vortex!

It’s so cold, even polar bears and penguins are being kept indoors.  The fiercest outbreak of arctic air in two decades is now known to all as a deadly “polar vortex” that can paralyze air travel and close roads and schools has locked almost the entire United States under subfreezing temperatures.

Forecasters said that the effects of the system, a swirling mass of North Pole air that has pushed unusually far south, would be felt by as many as 187 million people … more than half the country’s population.

This is exactly the kind of weather that makes our products so handy.  For those of you still brave enough to venture into the cold to work, you are going to want to plug in your warming bags and wraps first thing in the morning… and leave them on all day at the job-site so you can get your work done quickly, efficiently, and without waste… Pro-Tip:  You can even keep your lunch nice and toasty in your CaulkWarmer bag while you work through the morning!

We have a couple other good tips and tricks to keep you working through the polar vortex.

LAYERS. It is important to keep as warm and dry as possible. Having a number of thin warm layers will allow you to insulate better and lets you strip off easily if the temperature rises. Start off with thermal underwear and work your way up to you warmest winter coat. Don’t forget your hands: mittens are better than gloves and will help you prevent frostbite.

TECHNOLOGY. New technology nowadays can also help you stay warm. Hand warmers and heat packs can be purchased from any outdoor store and will help you keep toasty. You can also buy jackets with battery-powered heating systems for extra protection. Don’t forget a good pair of boots: make sure they are both waterproof and insulated to keep out the cold.

BATTERIES. For those of you that drive to work, check your car battery. Batteries that are more than three years old often can’t be jump started once they are exposed to sub zero temperatures for an extended period. So get to garage and change the battery. Stay as warm as possible while indoors: try eating soup or having a hot drink once you get inside. It’s important to keep warm and energized!

Just another expert idea for working through the Winter from Guy Calor (The Caulk King), and Caulk Warmer!

Holiday Decorations that don’t hurt your walls!

Holiday brick

Whether you’re looking for a spot to put up your Christmas wreath for a week or need something more permanent, hanging decor on the exterior or interior of your home can be tricky sometimes. Where you’re hanging it makes all the difference.  So, here are a few ways to hang things on sheetrock, wood and brick without hurting your walls.

How to Drill Into Brick or Concrete

Brick can be a difficult material to hang things on. Its durability means you can’t use the standard methods that you’d use around the rest of your house. You’ll need special screws and you will need to know where to drill and how to repair the holes after the holidays. For anchoring something on a brick or concrete surface, masonry screws.  Make sure you drill into a mortar joint (one of the white lines in between the brick). Do not drill directly into the brick! Not only would that be difficult, but you would risk cracking the brick. A masonry drill bit is designed for brick and concrete and is identifiable by a triangular-shaped tip. Screw a masonry screw into the mortar. If you are drilling into concrete, you are going to want to use a power drill.

If you plan to remove the screw after the holidays, buy a tube of mortar repair and squirt a little into the hole. You can also use 100 percent silicone, which comes in caulking tubes and squeezable tubes.

Sometimes the mortar can become loose after it’s been drilled. You can apply a little adhesive into the hole if you feel like you need a little more holding power, but,  installing adhesive will make it very difficult to remove the masonry screw later on. Consider this a more permanent installation.

If you do use adhesive, you can also substitute a common nail for the masonry screw. Drill the hole, put in the adhesive, and hammer the nail into the hole when the adhesive is dry. You can leave a nail like this up for a wreath (or anything else you want to hang) every year. The nail and the adhesive are pretty subtle, but if you’re worried about it you could pull it out and cover everything up with mortar. This will be a lot of work, though, because using adhesive makes it more permanent.

How to Add a Hook to Sheetrock

It’s always best to use professional hanging hardware for hanging things in sheetrock. These more modern versions of picture hangers can hold a tremendous amount of weight. Each package is rated by how much weight it can hold. Often the hangers in a pack can hold up to 50 pounds, and larger versions can hold up to 100 pounds.  Simply install the nails that come in the package, and you’re all set. There’s no need to find a stud. That’s what makes these special hardware hangars so versatile and easy to use.

There are also anchors for more permanent sheetrock hanging solutions.   These can hold a lot of weight (again, each package is rated) and are very easy to install.  These anchors can be easily removed but will leave a hole about the size of a dime in your wall, so use them for more permanent decorations.  Anchors typically require no drilling. Just hold the anchor where you want it and tap it with a hammer until you reach the screw portion. Next screw it into the wall with a screwdriver until it is flush with the wall. But, do not over tighten. If you keep turning the screw, it will break the sheetrock around it, and the screw will just spin in place, creating a hole that’s larger than the diameter of the screw. Next insert the screw that comes in the package. Screw it in to the required depth.

Tapping Into Wood

Don’t underestimate the value of a simple trim nail. Nails are easy to install, can hold a lot of weight and are usually pretty easy to remove.

After removing the nail, you can easily fill the nail hole with colored putty. There is a matching putty for almost every stain imaginable, and there are also colored putties to match painted surfaces.

Just a few more expert Holiday Decorating Ideas from Guy Calor, the Caulk King and CaulkWarmer!


Cyber Monday is a shopping “holiday” for people who prefer to purchase holiday gifts online.  It’s similar to Black Friday, only without the long lines and pushy fellow shoppers. Many online stores roll out deals at specific times on a first-come-first-served basis, and the best items generally sell out in seconds.

The best times to shop on Cyber Monday vary among websites, though many companies follow the same standards as Black Friday. Some websites may offer deals and discounts as early as 12:01 a.m. that day or will launch deals later in the morning. Some companies stagger their deals in hourly intervals so that new sales are available throughout the day for everyone no matter their work schedule.

It’s supposed to be a less stressful environment in which to shop, because if one site runs out of an item you want, you don’t have to sprint out to your car and drive to another location hoping to find that same item elsewhere. Simply navigate to another online store and try your luck there.

Some really good companies, understand that the whole convenience of Cyber Monday is that you don’t have to rush… you don’t have to get out of your jammies if you don’t want to… and you can do it all at your leisure and on your schedule.  This is why Caulk Warmer offers the same super reasonable prices the whole day… not just during certain peak hours.

So stop on by pretty much anytime on Cyber Monday… we’ll be there for you… all day!

10 Reasons to Shop Local on Small Business Saturday


10 Reasons to Shop Local on Small Business Saturday

#1. Keep money in the neighborhood.
A recent study showed that locally owned, independent businesses put 70% more money back into the local community than chain stores, per square foot occupied. A space filled with a local business rather than a chain puts more dollars back in your neighborhood.

#2. Embrace what makes us different.
Every city is made up of unique neighborhoods. Where we shop, where we eat and hang out … all of it makes our neighborhoods home. Chain businesses change the character of our neighborhoods. If we wanted to live someplace that looked like everywhere else, we wouldn’t be living here.

#3. Get better service.
In a local business, you know the person behind the counter, and they know you. They have a deep understanding of the products they’re selling, and they take time to serve their customers.

#4. Create and keep good jobs.
Small local businesses are the largest employer nationally, and small businesses account for the vast majority of job growth. Locally owned businesses are far less likely to pull up stakes and move operations to another city or country, taking their jobs with them.

#5. Promote competition and diversity.
A multitude of small businesses, each selecting products based on the needs of their local customers and not on a national sales plan, guarantees a much broader range of product choices.

#6. Help out the environment.
Locally owned businesses can make more local purchases, requiring less transportation, and they generally set up shop in commercial corridors rather than developing on the fringe. This means less sprawl, congestion, habitat loss, and pollution.

#7. Support community groups.
Nonprofits receive an average of 350% more support from local business owners than they do from non-locally owned businesses.

#8. Put your taxes to good use.
Local businesses in neighborhoods need comparatively less infrastructure investment and make more efficient use of public services as compared to nationally owned stores entering the community.

#9. Vote with your dollars.
Studies show that if each household redirects just $100 of planned holiday spending from chain stores to locally owned merchants, the local economic impact could exceed $25 million.

#10. Invest in your own community.
As you Shop Local on Small Business Saturday this year, remember local businesses are owned by people who live here, work here, and are invested in the community with much more than just their dollars.

Please visit us, your local warming experts, at on Small Business Saturday, the day we all Shop Small and support small businesses in the USA.

On November 30th, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, you can be a big part of making this Small Business Saturday one of the best  shopping days of the year for your community, and the small businesses that make it such a great place to live.

See you soon!

Announcing a new 100 & 200 Board Foot Kit Twin Pack warming wrap system!


Reasor Products is proud to announce the new 100 & 200 Board Foot Kit Twin Pack warming wrap system for your 2 component spray foam cylinders.

Since the actual yield of the foam is based on many factors, you can get the best results if you control material application temperatures. Generally the spray foam canisters should be stored at room temperature and should be kept between 60-80F during use.

It is also very important that kit foam be applied in LAYERS. Consider 1 layer to be 2 cured inches or less. A layer applied too thick can cause a long cure time and poor adhesion (sagging), but more importantly it can cause combustion. When the chemicals combine at the nozzle a chemical reaction occurs that produces lots of heat. In fact, often times you can feel the heat radiate from the foam as it cures, especially in confined spaces. Because the outside of the foam cures first, the heat from the reaction still taking place inside cannot escape as easily and a thick application may trap too much heat and ignite the foam and/or the material it was applied to if combustible. Generally you should wait about 5 minutes between the application of each layer, allowing full time to cure.  This is where using a Reasor Products 100 & 200 Board Foot Kit Twin Pack will save you time and money by keeping your foam at the perfect 80F between applications .

The 100 & 200 Board Foot Kit Twin pack product specifications are:

  • Material:  Heavy Duty Nylon Shell CPAI 84

  • Middle:  Heat Reflecting Flexible Barrier

  • Insulation:  Closed Cell Polypropylene Inner

  • Lining:  Nylon Velcro® Closure Handy Cord Storage Pocket

  • Color:  Red

  • Maximum Temp 105°F ±

  • Size: 7.5” High x 27” Long

  • Voltage: 120 V AC – 15 Watts

  • *Will maintain chemical at perfect 80F

and… you can order yours today at!

Just a few more expert ideas from Guy Calor, the Caulk King and CaulkWarmer

Labor Built This Country

CW Labor-Day

Many Americans have forgotten the meaning of Labor Day and view it as nothing more than a way to mark the end of summer, but Labor Day is really a celebration of worker’s rights and the triumphs that the labor movement has gained over the last couple of centuries.

In the United States Labor Day takes place on the first Monday of September. For many this day marks the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. But Labor Day is not just the end of summer, it is a celebration workers of all sorts. Labor Day, held each year on the first Monday in September, was intended as a tribute to America’s workers.

The first Labor Day was organized by Peter J McGuire in 1882. McGuire was a carpenter and one of the leaders of the American union movement. The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. Over 10,000 workers marched from New York’s City Hall to Union Square. After the parade they enjoyed a picnic, concert, and speeches at Reservoir Park with their families.

The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on Sept. 5, 1883. In 1884, the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a ‘workingmen’s holiday’ on that date. In 1894, Grover Cleveland made Labor Day a federal holiday after a failed attempt to break up a railroad strike.

But, Labor Day is about more than just the long weekend… it’s about you… Really. The holiday was created “to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers,” in the words of the Department of Labor, and workers’ issues are still important. You remember the stories from American history class in high school: Industrial Revolution, sweat shops, child labor, unsafe work environments, no benefits, no rights for workers… We owe these incredible advances to the efforts of the labor movement, and we owe it to ourselves never to become complacent in terms of understanding our rights and knowing our worth.

Without workers, America wouldn’t  be what it is today. Our country is built upon many principles, but one of the most important things to remember is that it was, in fact, “built”. We owe a lot to the hard work of those who came before us, from making the most of our benefits to making sure we’re getting the wage we should. Now, this particular holiday was founded specifically to provide recreation and amusement to workers in America…. so there’s no reason to abandon your picnic plans… but… while you are enjoying your end-of-the-Summer barebecue, you could also take some time today to remember “Labor built this country.”

Just a few observations about Labor Day from Guy Calor, the Caulk King and CaulkWarmer